3rd International Symposium of Common Languages of Turkic World – Patterns under the topic Intersections in Felt.
3rd International Symposium of Common Languages of Turkic World – Patterns under the topic Intersections in Felt.
Georgian Rug. Georgian State Museum of Folk and Applyed Arts
Georgian Rug. Georgian State Museum of Folk and Applyed Arts. Georgia, 2016, 48 p.
Emese Pasztor. Ottoman Turkish Carpets in the collection of the Budapest museum of Applied arts
Emese Pasztor. Ottoman Turkish Carpets in the collection of the Budapest museum of Applied arts. Budapest, 2007, 176 p.
Dorotheum Kunstpalais Teppich Sonderauktion
Dorotheum Kunstpalais Teppich Sonderauktion. Germany, Fachberatung, 22 Sept, 1986, 39 p.
Chiara Battini.Filikli Anatolia XX centry. Moreschini Collection
Chiara Battini. Filikli Anatolia XX centry. Moreschini Collection. Italy, august, 2009, 119 p.
From The Far West: Carpets and Textiles of Morocco
From The Far West: Carpets and Textiles of Morocco. Washington, D.C., The Textile Museum, 1980, 187 p.