The Baku European Lyceum in cooperation with the Azerbaijan National Carpet Museum held a festival dedicated to the Traditional Art of Azerbaijan Carpet Weaving.

The Baku European Lyceum in cooperation with the Azerbaijan National Carpet Museum held a festival dedicated to the Traditional Art of Azerbaijan Carpet Weaving. During her speech at the online conference, Dr Shirin Melikova, Director of the Azerbaijan National Carpet Museum emphasized the importance of the festival, which was attended by 540 students of one of the country's leading educational institutions. She noted that such projects inspire children to new searches, creative activities, and foster their talents. 
Firudin Gurbanov, Deputy Minister of Education, Nargiz Abdullayeva, Chief of the Museum Sector Department at the Ministry of Culture, Zulfiya Veisova, Director of the Baku European Lyceum, and Prof Mammadhuseyn Huseynov also gave the speeches at the event. They highly appreciated the organization of this kind of festival and stressed the importance of such events in child development within the spirit of love and respect for our country's tangible and cultural heritage and its national values. 
The event concluded with a demonstration of videos created by the students of the Baku European Lyceum on interesting scenarios about carpets from various regions of our country and their features.