2nd International Symposium of Common Languages of the Turkic World – Patterns
On May 22-24, 2017 the Azerbaijan Carpet Museum will host the 2nd International Symposium of Common Languages of the Turkic World – Patterns on the topic “Various Roads of Common Source” within the joint organization of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Baku Turkish Cultural Center of the Yunus Emre Institute, and the Azerbaijan Carpet Museum. The aim of this symposium is to enrich the common heritage of the Turkic people through the research works in the field of carpet patterns, and increase care, attention and knowledge of our people to their own national and cultural values.
At the symposium will be speeches on the semantics, general roots and terms of the patterns of the Turkic-speaking people on the common carpet art and the problems in this area; mutual interaction between carpet weaving patterns and other art fields; importance of the patterns in the modern world, and other topics. Each speech will be published in a book.